3 Must-Have Surveys For Any SaaS Business

Zoe Anthopoulou

10 Jun 2024

Do you know which are the 3 surveys that are essential for your SaaS business?

Well, I didn’t, but I knew it was important so here we are after some research and I would love to tell you!

Surveys are a quick and efficient way to gather valuable information from your customers but unfortunately, they are not exactly loved by users. They are a necessary evil though, so you need to strike a balance with them; too many or too little could prove to be an issue for your business.

If you burden your users with too many surveys, most likely they’ll feel overwhelmed and tune out, leading to low response rates on your surveys. On the other hand, if you don’t have enough surveys, you will surely miss out on crucial feedback and valuable information, leaving you in the dark about your users’ needs.

So, you need to have just enough surveys to stay in tune with your users, but without overloading them.

But how many exactly are those?

Well, it depends from business to business and you can always test out and find out what works best for yours. But for me, there are three essential surveys you surely need to have as a SaaS business, and these are:

  • Welcome Survey
  • User Satisfaction Survey
  • Churn Survey

Each one of these can help you gather valuable information and feedback through different stages of the customer survey. Using these, you can vastly improve your product and user experience.

Now let’s see what each of these surveys are and what their purpose is.

Welcome Survey

Α sign-up or welcome survey is a survey you share with your new users right after they signup for your product.

It is a great tool to get to know your users, learn about their needs and goals. You can collect data that will allow you to define your cohorts and personalise user experience.

Moreover, welcome surveys are a great way to make your users feel heard. Users are most likely to stick around when they feel heard and understood, and a welcome survey can show them just that; that you want to learn more about them and support them.

Translating this into business terms, welcome surveys can help you increase retention and reduce churn by improving the user experience and fostering a more loyal customer base.

User Satisfaction Survey

A user satisfaction survey is a survey you share with your users after they have interacted with your product or service.

The primary purpose of these surveys is to help you understand your customers' experiences and identify areas for improvement. Analysing the feedback, you can gain insights into what works well and what needs to be improved in your product or service. With this information you will be able to make informed decisions, to improve your users’ experience and meet their needs and expectations.

Again, from a business perspective, these surveys often include a question that can help you define your business’ NPS score. As NPS measures the likelihood of customers recommending the product or service to others, you can get an indication as to how much your users are engaged and enjoying your product, and ultimately which is the possibility of them churning or loyally using your product.

Churn Survey

A churn survey is a survey you share with your users after they leave your product, stop using your services, cancel their subscription, or contract with your business.

Churn surveys can help you uncover the most common reasons your customers churn. They can help you identify patterns, needs and issues that may lead your customers to be unhappy with your product and ultimately disengage.

With this information at hand, you can work to address these issues and improve your product or services, so that you can reduce churn, increase customer retention in time and build a more loyal customer base.

To conclude, surveys are an essential tool for any SaaS business aiming to improve and thrive in a competitive landscape. By implementing just three surveys, the Welcome, User Satisfaction, and Churn surveys, you can gather essential feedback at various stages of the customer journey without overwhelming your users.

Using these insights into user needs and pains, you can refine your product, enhance your customers’ experience and ultimately foster customer loyalty, increase retention and drive a more sustainable SaaS business.


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