Zoe Anthopoulou

Product manager. Blogger. Creative.

I am passionate about delivering intuitive
products that customers love.

Known As


Experienced in analyzing complex issues, and breaking them down to devise creative and effective solutions.


Strategically minded, implementing forward-thinking plans to achieve both current and future objectives.

Get-it-done attitude

'Get-it-done' attitude, consistently delivering results through proactive problem-solving and efficient execution.


Team player skilled in cross-functional collaboration, driving a shared commitment to achieving goals through open communication.


"As Zoe’s manager, I witnessed firsthand her abilities to switch contexts quickly, collaborate efficiently with a variety of departments and stakeholders (among which design, development teams and C-level executives) and put her creative and technical skills to work in a multitude of projects.

Zoe is not afraid to speak her opinion, continuously tries to improve herself, the products that she is managing, and the processes that involve her and the entire team. Importantly, she has a great work ethic and is fun to work with."

GeorgeDirector of Product Management